
Mera’s Plans for District 18

Address Current Community Needs2020-09-12T11:44:34-04:00
  • Listen to residents and local law enforcement to ensure everyone feels safe in their neighborhood, regardless of where they live in the city. 
  • Work on restoring cut services and staffing so that we have the capacity to provide for our residents.
  • Compile smart data tools and work directly with the Public Works Office to improve efficiency and keep consistent communication regarding work in the district.
Build An Equitable Plan for Change2020-09-12T11:47:45-04:00
  • Making sure our budget process is equitable for our whole city and that we have clear priorities around safety and security for all our constituents. 
  • Meeting with our city’s numerous entrepreneurs and small-businesses to advocate for stronger economic development within our area while working to address equity and disparities.
  • Work to build community both within the district and within greater Louisville by arranging quarterly meetings with stakeholders to exchange ideas and coordinate efforts.
Lay the Foundation for a Sustainable Future2020-09-12T11:48:47-04:00
  • Strategize to improve roads and traffic within the district while recognizing how zoning needs to reflect our goals of community building. 
  • Build an interconnected view of infrastructure in our community that includes institutions and programming central to our city such as libraries, schools, and parks as well as social services and equitable development.
  • Set benchmarks for implementing sustainable innovation to counteract climate disruption and the resulting social/economic changes. 
  • Expand the work started by former Councilmember John Ackerson by improving handicap-accessible walkways and intersections in the district.

Mera on Mental Health

Mera on Restoring Louisville

Mera on Inequity

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